Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Role of Women

                The way women were treated, not only in Germany, but all around the world has been an ongoing battle that still goes on today. Sexism still exists whether we choose to acknowledge it or not. Women are still paid less in the work place and are still though as of weaker and not properly educated. In the earlier centuries women were viewed as purely home makers. Their main responsibilities were the three K’s: Kirche, Kinder and kuche, these meaning churches, children and kitchen. In West Germany women were the minority. They had men to do the hard work so they can take care of the children and house. They were not even considered part of society. Two third of women were unemployed and some that could work worked in factories and with the war effort. Most women worked during the war to help fill the spots of job that men would normally fill while the men were at war. By the end of 20th century there were 700,000 working women. East Germany had a soviet style of government and in the 20th century some women were able to receive an education. Mothers were working and abortion became legal and free choices were beginning to be granted for women. German’s Organization for women was found in 1894 and they fought for equal rights and social conditions such as education to women. After a long fighting battle, 1919 was when women were granted the right to vote.  Women started making progress in getting rights that men had but as we can see today it is still a struggle. It was very interesting for me to see how men were treated and how some of these still go on today. I know personally I am not a woman to be tied down and kept in a kitchen to raise kids by myself. I like to be a working women and not relying on men for everything

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